Bricksville Times | Tuesday March 26th, 2002

Breakins Body Found

Photograph of the Lego Police man in mini figs

Cop’s body

Reporter: Tamara Harpster

BRICKSVILLE, CA MARCH 26 2002 – Mariesa Will Breakins body was discovered in front of the Breezeway Cafe today. He had been investigating further into the parrot black market and it appears he found more than he bargained for.

Photograph of the Lego model red van

Abandoned Car

Police were on the scene investigating the foul play and were trying to piece together what had happened in the wee hours of the morning before the Cafe opened up. A knife was found near the body, but upon initial inspection, after careful handling, no fingerprints were found. More tests will be done on this item and other evidence found at the scene.

Mareisa’s car was found abandoned a few blocks away by the Motel 9. It is suspected that the criminal used the car to make their getaway and left Bricksville in their own car at that point. Because of his connection with the case, John Eroy is being suggested as a possible suspect for this case.