L-78 (Pegasus class)

Near Complete model of the L-78 in POV Ray

The L-78 (Pegasus class) is a spaceship model based on the old X-78 which I built in 2002. The L-78 was built with LDraw such as MLCad and LEOCad. The idea of this L-78 was almost nearly based from Starship Gibraltar, a model by Daniel Jassim who also built some of the space-related Lego MOCs and as well as some of the Star Wars sets. The ship is also inspired from the anime series Space Battleship Yamato, also known as Star Blazers, as well as from Macross, also known as Robotech in the US.

This model was named after from a mythological creature as the same name as well as the Greek mythology.




The L-78 model was started in 2014 as the X-78. The model was only built with baseplates, it was switched with plates such as 8 x 11 as well as 8 x 8 and 6 x 12 parts. The L-78 was almost nearly inspired by the old model.