Bricksville Times | Thursday March 21st, 2002

Terrorist Arrested for 2001 Christmas Fire

Reporter: Tamara Harpster

BRICKSVILLE, CA MARCH 21 2002 – An important arrest was made, the terrorist John Hony was arrested in Bricksville. He is the major suspect for starting the Christmas fire which wiped out Bricksville.

The town is still recovering from the effects of the fire and there were many angry citizens outside Melands County Jail and sheriffs were hard pressed to keep a mob from forming and storming the jail. John Hony will be brought before a judge sometime next week for a bail hearing and for his plea in the case.

A policeman at the jail said, “This arrest was the result of many weeks of investigation in the many nefarious activities of John Hony. While I can’t say anymore at this time, it appears that John Hony is not the quiet town citizen that we have all thought him to be.”

A lawyer will be appointed for John Hony since he does not have adequate funds for his own defense. No person has been named at this time. If he is convicted of this crime, he could face a sentence of life in prison without parole due to the amount of destruction done by the Christmas fire.