Bricksville Times | Saturday January 12th, 2002

Bricksville Devastated by Christmas Fire!!!

Reporter: Tamara Harpster

Bricksville, a Peaceful Town Before the Fire

Bricksville, a Peaceful Town Before the Fire

BRICKSVILLE, California, January 2002 – Our top story is the Christmas Fire of 2001, which destroyed most of Bricksville. Due to the unusual cold and snowfall, many people had built fires to stay warm in what is normally sunny, southern California. However, disaster was waiting to strike, in the form of a massive fire.

Billows of smoke, looking eerily similar to the strange snowfall, curled their way to the sky and many buildings burned for several days before the fires were put out by the fire department or burned themselves out. Fortunately, no mini-figures were burned up, as they were all at Vaca, Mexitaly at a special out of country celebration.

Rebuilding has started and on a positive note, Motel 9 has decided to build at the old Railroad service tower area. While our many buildings will be missed, we look forward to seeing how the various business’ rebuild in Bricksville.