The inspiration of The Six Million Dollar Man, Terminator, and Robocop
The Robot Man is my story project which has been in development since 2004. The project was started in 2003 when I was teenager as I got heavily fascinated about cyborgs on Google as well as the Wikipedia article. Originally it was scheduled to be released in April 2004 but did not get completed due to slow work. Then in 2008-2009, I resumed the Lego film using Stop Motion Pro. The project is currently on hold indefinitely.
The film was scheduled to be released in the fall of 2009, but I did not get it completed then. The Robot Man is currently on hold with script writing and concepts in development. The project is not intended to copy from the Terminator and RoboCop.
The project is not associated with Robotman from Doom Patrol, a DC Comics superhero created by Arnold Drake and Bruno Premiani. It is not associated with the comic strip by Jim Meddick which was now known as Monty.
The Robot Man revolves around David Benedetti, a former Army Sargent and now a CIA, and an FBI agent who was taken into the hospital in Manhattan and dies after being secretly injected with a horse tranquilizer in to order to fake his death.
His body was taken into the secret laboratory in Gore Mountain in the upstate New York for the cyborg conversion led by Karl Zach who established the cyborg program supported by the United States government for military purposes.
Benedetti was turned into a super-powerful cyborg then frozen and put in the cryo-freezer. Two years later, the research team had planned to activate the cyborg for the first time. Unknown to them, the robots go out of control and plan to blow the facility up. It’s up to Benedetti, aka Robot Man, to stop all the robots before they nuke New York City.